NCED Data Repo Globus Download Instructions


The NCED Data Repository is being shared through the website Globus allows for sharing of public data as well as share secure data through endpoints between research groups. Globus is used in this case to share public NCED data.

Download Instructions:

When visiting the page below will be presented. This table shows some basic information about the repositories available as well as links to globus to download the data.

After navigating to the “Download using Globus” page the following will appear, here is the globus interface to download data from the repository:

The section on the left is the file browser for the repository selected from the NCED website. The section on the right is the file browser for a second share. This enables the transfer of data from the NCED repository to another share the user has write access to through the Globus interface. Most users will not have access to a share to send the data to unless they have configured a personal endpoint. There are instructions on how to configure one on the Globus website here: 

To download the files directly from the repository to your local hard drive without the use of a second Globus share right click on any file and select “download” as shown below:

Only single files can be downloaded this way. In order to download multiple files at once they must be transferred to another Globus endpoint. To do this use the checkboxes on the left to select the files to download. Then, right click and select “Transfer or Sync to…” as shown below:

Once this has been selected the file browser on the right will be highlighted. Navigate to the Globus share you would like to transfer the data to by using the search box. Once you have found the share to transfer to the interface will appear as shown below. In this example the data is being transferred to the UMN PGC share. If everything looks correct click “Start” on the left side of the browser to begin the transfer.